Essay, Research Paper: Harriet Tubman

Famous People

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Harriet Tubman was a brave woman, she managed to take eleven slaves to Canada,
with no one noticing anything. She also did something that was surprising, she
took the gun that she had with her to make a slave stay or to die, "We got
to go free or die." She didn't allowed a slave to go back while they were
traveling because someone might figured that he/she were returning from the
running slaves and might have to answer questions. She traveled to differents
places to stay like Thomas Garret's house in Wilmington, Delaware. She wanted to
get to Canada to have a chance to feel what it would be like to be free. She
painted pictures of what she thought Canada would be like, that shows she wanted
to be free. In the couples of houses she stopped to get food and to get warm, I
believe the persons that owned the houses agreed that they should be free, but
they were too afraid to make a move. At the start of the story they were
searching for Moses who they thought it was a man, which it was not it was
Harriet Tubman, who wanted to run off slaves. The slaves at the story were
patience. Harriet had promised them food, and shelter, when they got to the
first stop in the farmhouse the man said they were a lot of slaves and that it
was not safe, because the farmhouse had been searched a week ago before they
arrived there, so they didn't had what she had promised them. The slaves didn't
screamed at her or complained. When they arrived to Canada I think that even
though they went through difficulties they got what they always dreamed, FREEDOM
which means the condition of being free of restraints. They had to pay a
valuable price in able to get freedom which is their lives. They could been
killed if they gave up and people would find out, they worked hard to make their
dream come true. Harriet is a woman who fought for her rights, and won. Mark
Twain thought that being a pilot was cool, because they got paid a good salary.
Everyone in Mississippi thought it was a great position to be a pilot. He
decided to become a pilot and run away until he became one. I believe he thought
that he cold not become a pilot if he stayed home. Mr. Brown was Mark's boss he
didn't treated him fairly, he treated him like he was a slave. He used him when
he wanted too. Mark didn't liked to be treated this way. Mark once said in the
story "I often want to kill Mr. Brown." He committed a crime which was
that he striked him and beat him up. When Mr. Brown comes and complains to the
captain about the cub Mark he refuses to work with him and says that either he
goes or he will not work anymore. the captain says the Mark is not leaving that
the person that is leaving is himself. I think he notices that Mark was being
mistreated and was being treated like a slave. He finally knows how a slave
feels like, and sees why they want to be free. I believe these two stories are
alike with the word freedom because Harriet makes her dream come true like on
the pictures she drew, and how Mark felt almost as a slave.

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